Kundalini Shaktipat : Can Sexual Intercourse awaken Kundalini?
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Friday 1 December 2017

Can Sexual Intercourse awaken Kundalini?

If you have sex with a Kundalini Awakened person, you also get to awaken your Kundalini!!! How easy and simple it sounds, while you are into a pleasurable moment, a huge phenomenon that's too difficult to achieve, that takes years of practice to awaken the dormant force; awakens the fire in a snap with ease. While you are having some amazing moments, right?! Well do you think its that easy?

Kundalini Awakening and the discussion around it becomes really intense once you start learning about benefits of it. And then you start discovering the various ways by which the Shakti can be awakened. And then you come across this, "Having sex with a Kundalini Awakened, makes your Kundalini Awakened." I too heard things like this. And this is a shock to some whereas its a easy way for some. Let me know in comments what's your take on this.

But I have seen people try this path, thinking that kundalini will be awakened in an easy manner. I am a person who is not open to sex, like it only with my partner. So this idea did bug me, and anyways it was not on my check list while I was beginning on my path. Well my kundalini awakened even before thinking or deciding that I wanted to awaken it. So maybe I didn't get a chance to cancel out the option.

But I have seen males as well as females frivolously trying out or searching for a suitable person who is awakened, and plan for that sleepover with them. Well and a lot of times most of these people land up into trouble esp females. With getting partner's who just want sex, which has nothing to do with tantra or shakti arousing.

What happens during Sexual Intercourse?

So let's see what actually happens during a intercourse. While sex cooks two people get into intense balance with each other. And all energies from both stir up, such that at a point the other is not known. Only the feeling of oneness with the partner is felt. Which is usually the case when you are making love with somebody you really have feelings with.
So this stirring of energy actually transmits some energy to the other person, which is why a lot of people when in love just are so much balanced that they too cant explain. They have their partner's energy with them comforting them and reminding them of the sweet moments they've had.

This is because their male and female energies get balanced. A feminine energy from the female helps to balance the yin part of the male partner and vice versa. 

What if you have sex with a Kundalini Awakened person?

So now you got it what happens while sex, spiritually/ energetically ofcourse. Now let's get into what actually happens when you have sex with a kundalini awakened.
When you get into the act of having sex with a awakened person, their shakti is going to stir up during the act. And genitals are the area where the kundalini resides. Which will pretty much make the shakti of the dormant partner also get stirred up.
Well take note, I said stirred up and not fully awakened.

So the partner is now active with their kundalini. But still the journey for awakening it, and opening the chakras needs to be accomplished. Which is an individuals personal journey, that everybody needs to do.
But usually the phenomenon will need spiritual practices like meditation, yoga etc inorder for the kundalini to pass through the sushumna and open the chakras.

How much progress do you get, after the intercourse?

You are on level 1, where the kundalini is stirred up. Its not dormant anymore. Which also means that you will need to start practicing spiritual practices asap. To get the full benefits of the act.

Well if you dont, then the kundalini might again enter into a temporary dormant mode. Where the kundalini will start bringing into your life experiences and people that will help you to get into the path further then where you are. Sometimes the experiences might not be too good. Challenging, but nevertheless they will instill a search for truth. Rather then just getting depressed or sad by the occurences. The fire has been given a spark.

How much progress do you get, after the intercourse?

After the intercourse, you will be on fire. Well not the actual fire. But the fire of love in disguise. As direct kundalini can scare people. But the love struck feeling usually makes people think and try to search deeper for the reasons why they felt that fire, which is like a warm fire in winter colds.
As I said earlier you are at step 1. And the kundalini will not reveal itself right away. You will start searching for it.
Also in general intense love making with a pertner who is not kundalini awakened can also stir up the kundalini in both of them. Again this should not be an act of sex. Or the act should not be done with an intention of arousing the shakti. It usually happens unaware. When two souls just melt into each other. And sex starts happening without conscious effort of doing it.
Not just sex, but any act of sexual arousing or stimulating of partner's done, can result into stirring of kundalini.

Is it that easy?

Well it might be easy or difficult based on whether you have experienced really deep love with your partner. If not, dont worry we all have a store of it. You will surely encounter it sometimes in future. Lovable sex is the key, just manual sex isn't going to work. Which I would like to scream out to everyone.
So in case if you get a partner who is awakened, you guys need to be into each other. If not then sex can just be a mechanical act. Where hardly any energy exchange happens.

Should you take this path?

Well its upto you, as explained earlier you might have understood that finding authentic person who is actually awakened, who is ready to have sex, ahem ahem love-making with you is like a one in a million case. Let alone the choices of such a person for their sexual life, they are a different case.
A lot of people into kundalini usually try to have controlled sexual life, rather then running wild with it. So if they already have a partner, you might not have a close chance. Which should not be taken as bad news. Because if awakening by sex isn't your choice, there's surely other way. Which will soon come to you.

But if you are meant to be awakened that way, you might actually end up falling in love with such a person. And end up getting on the path like them.

So that's all from me, do let me know your thoughts, comments, in comment box below. This is a topic you might have searched for long but couldn't find a legitimate answer to. So let me know how it has helped you.

SHARE this article, as to bring awareness for it. To help people learn what actually happens while sexual intercourse with an awakened person. Or to remove the misconception from minds of people about the easy method. So that people stay aware of it.

And as always, will write more; next time I have an interesting topic to share. If you want me to discuss about some topics on this blog, do comment below with your suggestions.
Until next time....
Stay Happy, Stay Blessed, and Awaken the Divine within you
Because you're born for a Reason!

1 comment:

  1. My answer to the question is 100 % positive; of course, conditions apply. Conditions: 1. As the author said partner who wish to be enlightened on Kundalini should surrender the Self totally. 2. The act of intercourse is a Nature-process (YAJNAM) the selfish intent doesn't work. 3. Kundalini will be depressing if the energy is meant only to be used for sensual pleasures.


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